🎈 I’ve learned that honesty is expensive and not many are willing to put up the cost of what it takes to attain it. It will cost sleep, cost people, and cost time but man does the return come back tenfold. And when honesty is prioritized above all else, anything dishonest in my space feels uncomfortable and unwelcomed real quick. I’ve realized what a rare commodity it is when you have a friend who can offer honesty at no cost.

You are that friend.

Each year as we get older feels like another year we settle more into who we are. I live in my truth openly, breathe in all my pieces and breathe out with clarity, perspective, and gratitude. Much of that attributes to the growth seekers, the truth tellers, and the “aint nobody got time” ‘ers in my life. You are the light that makes the dark feel like courage.

People often gravitate towards people who make them feel comfortable, keep it polite, sugar coat, coddle, encourage them to stay and play small, people who essentially affirm each other’s bullshit.

I’ve learned how invaluable it is to be selective. To mindfully *choose* to be among people who encourage you to lean into the discomfort, call you out on all your self limiting beliefs and with good intention and an honest heart, people who celebrate your growth and resilience just the same.

I’ve learned these people are gold. Find these people. Keep these people. Treasure these people.

You have always been among these people.

I love our friendship and appreciate how we filter nothing. I know one of the core values that define our dynamic is that speaking up and transparency goes without hesitation. It is never a fear but rather a necessity we practice on a daily because it is who we are. Let’s keep running our mouth the way we do. 😛

Today is yours for the taking ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY BFF!! Here’s to 34, to honesty, and to you. Love you, xx

#34 #birthday #celebration #you #gratitude #capricorns

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