All We Have Is Now…

If you unwrapped my heart, you would see that I have lots of shelf room left. You have found where you fit and have settled in nicely. You don’t take up much room but now that spot has become solely yours, and I’m not sure what can possibly decorate the space better in the way you have where you are on display. On the shelf beside you, is a book with a story about us I’ve written for your eyes only. With you, each noun, adjective, verb comes easy and it’s as though words cascade across a page like art on a canvass. I feel light and the sentences form with ease and just flow as though I am the words and you are the letters. The letters reside in a beautifully placed white envelope snuggled between the pages known as the present. And when I unfold to see what’s inside, my hands begin to soak in all that is tangible about you. My heart feels the word ‘Happy’ and my eyes take hold of the word ‘Now.’ And as difficult as it is to not worry being the worry wart that I notoriously am, I’ve learned that now is all we have. I am grateful you’ve become a significant chapter of my story and that we’ve landed on the same page at the right time. We’ve both worked hard individually to get to where we stand. Let’s continue to earn our keep with the addition of filling these pages with you’s & I’s, and words that rhyme with ‘lettuce.’ :p

Thank you for making my nows feel incredibly happy & the joy you bring to me on a daily. Wishing you a beautiful year ahead…

Happy Birthday Alistair! xo

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